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(Better know as LLEN

There are 31 Local Learning and Employment Networks or LLENs as most refer to them, throughout Victoria. Set up by the Victorian and Federal Government, the goal of each LLEN is to support young people, 10 – 19 years old, within its geographical boundaries by improving their participation, engagement, attainment and transition outcomes.


VicLLEN's are a community organisation that aims to empower young people that are at risk of disengaging from schools, employment or the region they live in, or who have already disengaged, from education and training and are not in meaningful employment. They do this through connecting them with educational programs or industry-specific training.


LLENs are made up a range of groups and organisations including education and training providers, business and industry, community agencies, and parent and family organisations.




Young People:

  • stay at, and achieve in, school

  • understand the opportunities and pathways available, and

  • transition to employment or further education.


Bring schools, industry and the community together to address:

  • the absence of careers support in schools

  • the absence of accurate labour market information in communities

  • the difficulty young people face gaining work experience, and

  • the devaluing of vocational education pathways, that will be important in the future.


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